The Science of Sleep

Perhaps the strangest thing in this film–which is no stranger than reality, really–is the short that is included on the DVD about kitty adoption.

I’m a huge fan of Gondry’s work. This film didn’t get the reviews that Spotless Mind did, and I like the former film a bit better, largely because Stephane turns so completely mushy, and his sympathy-o-meter drops steadily as the film progresses. Still, it is a good film, and worth watching at least twice because the man is simply so inventive. If anyone else is doing anything nearly as interesting with visual metaphor, let me know.

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About Steve, i.e., him

Stephen Stark is an award-winning novelist and bestselling ghostwriter. His fiction and nonfiction has appeared in numerous publications, including The New Yorker, the Washington Post, and the New York Times, Poets & Writers and in many other journals. He has been a fellow and taught at the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and won an NEA Literature Fellowship in fiction. His novel, Second Son, was a New York Times Book Review Notable Book of 1992, and a New and Noteworthy Paperback of 1994.

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