Sayonara Book World

After the departure of Marie Arana and much rumor, The Washington Post announced last week that it was going to discontinue Book World as a standalone tabloid in the Sunday paper. (For the record, I wrote a couple of reviews for her several years back and found her to be a wonderful editor.)

Of course the Post is not the only newspaper to eliminate its book section qua book section, nor likely will it be the last.

For me, what’s sad about all of these shutterings of books sections is the shortsightedness not only of the newspapers but also the mainstream publishers. It’s all very

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About Steve, i.e., him

Stephen Stark is an award-winning novelist and bestselling ghostwriter. His fiction and nonfiction has appeared in numerous publications, including The New Yorker, the Washington Post, and the New York Times, Poets & Writers and in many other journals. He has been a fellow and taught at the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, and won an NEA Literature Fellowship in fiction. His novel, Second Son, was a New York Times Book Review Notable Book of 1992, and a New and Noteworthy Paperback of 1994.

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